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Behind the Scenes With Sandy Freschi ... Plus a Little Human Design and Healing Generator or Manifesting Generator? Here's What You Need to Know About Your Human Design Type

Generator or Manifesting Generator? Here's What You Need to Know About Your Human Design Type


Dear Generator (and Manifesting Generator), you make up the 70% of people who have the robust power to build civilizations. Your energy has been coveted throughout the ages because you can accomplish so much.

If the thought of doing even a little more work has you feeling frustrated and ready to throw in the towel, there’s a good reason for it. Your motor can’t go on forever doing things that you just don’t want to do. You easily can get back on track to using your energy to do work that you love by listening to your gut response.

You have the amazing capacity to know yourself at a deep level. It comes out of you in guttural responses that may even surprise you when you turn the brain off and just let it flow. You can trust that these sounds will lead you to your truth, even when your mind is spewing a litany of excuses that seem logical and well-reasoned. Your gut never steers you wrong when you\u2019re listening to it and following it according to your inner timing.

Most Generators have been unwittingly cut off from knowing what they really want from a very young age. If you were one of those children who was told what to do instead of asked, or if you were trained to say “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” instead of what would naturally come out of your mouth, then you were trained out of the kind of inner knowing that inevitably leads you to success. You can’t blame your parents and teachers for doing what they thought was best for you back then, but there is something you can do about it now.

The mistake that most Generators make is to rush ahead without a real tangible thing to act upon. It’s not your fault if you’ve been frustrated time and again because you made the wrong choice or took the leap before the timing was right. Blame the “just do it” mindset that has brainwashed modern thinking. The good news is, you don’t have to work that hard to make something happen. You’re so attractive when you’re being yourself, that you naturally draw all kinds of people and opportunities to you. The more authentic you are, the more of the right things you attract. But even if you’re not perfectly aligned, you’re still attracting. All that you need to do is pay attention to The response that you’re having to what’s coming in, and weed out the not so good stuff by listening to your gut.

If you’re reading this and wondering “how the heck do I do all of that?” Or you’re saying to yourself, “I tried that and it didn’t work.”, you probably need to refine your approach. You’re hardwired with a specific approach to know and act on your deepest desires. When you follow it, you follow yourself into the realm where your work is satisfying and success is inevitable.

Human Design Readings for Generators and Manifesting Generators - GO HERE


Want to know more about Generators and Manifesting Generators? Enjoy these videos.


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